The outlines of late Stradivari models are more compact, featuring fuller archings, with somewhat less concavity than in the earlier models. We found inspiration for our “late Strad” model in the “Venus” and “Ex-Grumiaux” violins from the year 1727. In our archives, we have plaster casts and CT scans of those two violins, and we use them as a basis to make our copies.
Concerning sound, we find ourselves inspired again and again by Arthur Grumiaux’s legendary recordings with Clara Haskil from the 1960s: Grumiaux’s violin sound combined projection with elegance; it remains anchored in our memory as a benchmark reference.
business hours:
Mon - Fri 14 - 18:00
or by appointment.
member of:
Verband Deutscher Geigenbauer und
Bogenmacher e.V.
Violin Society
of America