everyone teaches - everyone learns
That´s the motto of the annual Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop, which applies to any fruitful collaboration in the area of violin making.
Many essential aspects of our craft cannot be put into writing: therefore we travel several times a year to attend meetings and workshops with our colleagues: to look over one another’s shoulders, to prepare and to listen to lectures, to exchange certain tricks of the trade, and to discuss open questions together.
These meetings are quite different in terms of their goals and participants:
- they range from joint violin making events, as here at “Quartett gebaut gehört” (top right image), where, under the stern gaze of Beethoven, we see how Susanne and sixteen of her colleagues joined forces at Vienna Konzerthaus to build an entire string quartet for the benefit of the SUPERAR association
- all the way to the large-scale Oberlin Violin Makers Workshop in Ohio (US), attended by 65 makers from all over the world, and to which Andreas is annually invited (top photo).
→ about the Oberlin Obialto project
Furthermore we find a deep source of inspiration in the KlangGestalten workgroup, which we co-launched in 1998. KlangGestalten is a successful collective of 25 violin and bow makers from all over Europe, organizing exhibitions, seminars, workshops, and collaborative projects.
To find out more about the most recent KlangGestalten activities as well as about upcoming exhibitions of handcrafted string instruments, you can watch this film by Lukas Johannsen or just visit our group’s website at www.klanggestalten.de/en .
Out of the KlangGestalten group our annual work meeting in Fertans (France) came to birth. It is a quite intimate meeting of just 15 violin makers, held in the remoteness of the French Jura mountains. The Fertans meeting is intense and incredibly productive. We work together and exchange ideas and experience on a multitude of themes of our trade: models, archings, varnishes, tools, setup, etc. (photo below)
→see Andreas Hudelmayer's report in the 2011 STRAD Magazine
Additionally we appreciate the lectures and exhibitions organized by the German Violin Society (VDG), of which we are likewise members.
business hours:
Mon - Fri 14 - 18:00
or by appointment.
member of:
Verband Deutscher Geigenbauer und
Bogenmacher e.V.
Violin Society
of America